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Behind the Scenes in a Professional Kitchen


by flamengo 2023. 2. 17. 16:08


Cooking shows and celebrity chefs may make it look easy

Behind the Scenes in a Professional Kitchen

Have you ever wondered what it's like behind the scenes of a professional kitchen? Cooking shows and celebrity chefs may make it look easy, but the reality is far from that. A professional kitchen is a fast-paced, high-pressure environment where precision, attention to detail, and teamwork are key to success.

In this article, we'll take a peek behind the curtain and explore what it's really like to work in a professional kitchen. We'll cover everything from the roles and responsibilities of the various kitchen staff to the tools and techniques they use to create culinary masterpieces.

The Brigade System

The first thing to understand about a professional kitchen is the brigade system. Developed by Georges-Auguste Escoffier, a French chef and restaurateur, in the late 19th century, the brigade system is a hierarchy of kitchen positions that organizes and streamlines kitchen operations. Here are the key roles in a traditional brigade system:

  • Executive Chef
  • Sous Chef
  • Chef de Partie (Station Chef)
  • Commis Chef
  • Kitchen Porter (Dishwasher)

Each role has a specific set of responsibilities and is crucial to the smooth running of the kitchen.

The Tools of the Trade

The tools and equipment used in a professional kitchen are just as important as the people who use them. Here are some of the key items you'll find in a professional kitchen:

  • Knives: Professional chefs use a range of specialized knives for different tasks, including chopping, slicing, and filleting. A good knife is the most important tool in a chef's arsenal.
  • Pots and Pans: High-quality pots and pans are essential for even cooking and precise temperature control.
  • Kitchen Machines: Kitchen machines such as mixers, blenders, and food processors make it easier to prepare large quantities of food quickly and efficiently.
  • Thermometers: Temperature control is critical in cooking, so thermometers are used to monitor the temperature of food as it cooks.

The Challenges of Working in a Professional Kitchen

Working in a professional kitchen can be incredibly rewarding, but it's not for the faint of heart. Here are some of the challenges that kitchen staff face:

  • High Pressure: A professional kitchen is a high-pressure environment where everything happens quickly. Timing is crucial, and there's no room for error.
  • Long Hours: Chefs often work long hours, sometimes up to 16 hours a day. It's a physically and mentally demanding job.
  • Heat: Kitchens can be hot, and the work is physically demanding, which can take a toll on the body.
  • Stress: The pressure to perform can be stressful, and the kitchen is a fast-paced environment where mistakes can have serious consequences.


Working in a professional kitchen is an intense and demanding job, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. The teamwork and precision required to produce high-quality food are skills that can be applied to many other areas of life. The next time you sit down to enjoy a meal at a restaurant, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into creating it.


  1. Escoffier, G. A. (1979). The complete guide to the art of modern cookery. Wiley.
  2. Institute of Culinary Education. (2022). The Brigade System: A Hierarchy of Kitchen Positions.
  3. Martin, S. (2019). 10 Key Kitchen Tools Every Cook Should Have.

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